Hill S, McNulty D
Health Manpower Management, (UK), Vol 24 No 1 98
Start page: 6 No of pages: 7
Considers whether transformational change, in the form of incorporation or merger, can assist the reshaping of an organization’s culture. Describes the incorporation of a nurse and midwifery training college into a larger higher education institution in Scotland, focusing on the contractual process, the management of the transfer which involved developing a strategy for communication, overcoming barriers to change and appreciating the importance of understanding the culture of the organization and the values that support it in terms of: stories about the merger; cultural symbols; power; organizational structure; and control. Examines how the barriers to change were overcome and relationships with the Department of Nursing and Community Health and the Scottish Office developed. Concludes that the challenge presented by incorporations such as this is to change the culture to enable staff to be innovative, empowered and participate in influencing their organizational environment.