Parents, schools, local education authorities, museums, businesses and the
Department for Education and Employment are joining up in a partnership to
promote a ‘can-do’ attitude to maths and working with figures. Maths Year
2000 will be launched in the new year as part of the National Numeracy
Strategy, which came into effect with the start of the new school year.
Archives for September 17th, 1999
Headlines, PublicNet: 17 September, 1999
Headlines, PublicNet: 17 September, 1999
The Audit Commission has criticised local councils for their poor
performance in creating new jobs. The latest report from the Commission: A
Life’s Work: Local Authorities, Economic Development and Economic
Regeneration, highlights a number of weaknesses. They include failure to
consult jobseekers and employers, insufficient collaboration with other
bodies and inadequate monitoring of the annual 322 million pound spend on
promoting economic development.