Seeking social housing is confusing for prospective tenants because of the various providers in an area and complex for the landlords because of the allocation criteria. The London Borough of Lewisham has brought in a partner to provide a service that handles all relations with tenants. This case study explains what is involved and the benefits to tenants and landlords.
The government has published a framework designed to make its websites easier to use. The announcement by the Cabinet Office Minister, Douglas Alexander, follows extensive consultation with the public and private sectors and with voluntary organisations.”Quality Framework for UK Government Website Design” will provide government web managers with specific guidance on how to maximise the usability of their sites.
Six authorities in West Sussex have become the first district councils to undergo Comprehensive Performance Assessment, and the results have been welcomed as `positive and encouraging’ by the Local Government Association. During 2003-4 all district councils will be assessed by the Audit Commission.Two of the six Sussex councils – Chichester and Horsham – were rated as ‘excellent’ and Arun was judged to be ‘good’. Worthing, Crawley and Mid-Sussex councils were rated as ‘fair’ but all three were found to have good prospects of improvement. Arun District Council, also in West Sussex, will have its CPA results published in September as it has yet to complete the assessment process.