By Reena Bhavnani, Heidi Mirza and Veena Meetoo.Anti-racist legislation, including policies on equality in the workplace, have failed to tackle the roots of racism. Changes to recruitment procedures have arguably made a difference to the employment of minorities, but black and minority ethnic staff continue to make slower progress than white counterparts within organizations.
Parents who ensure their children don’t play truant will be able to get discounts and free places on holidays under an initiative designed to tackle unauthorised absence from schools. The scheme, Every Lesson Counts, has been developed by the Department for Education and Skills, in partnership with the travel and tourism industry.At the same time the Government has confirmed it is expanding the ‘Fast Track to Attendance’ programme to target more than 10,000 serial truants who account for 20 per cent of all cases of truancy across the country. Their parents will face penalty notices or prosecution unless their attendance improves. The ‘Fast Track to Attendance’ drive initially targeted 8,000 pupils,
An independent report out today says that treating young offenders like adult criminals makes them more likely to re-offend. The study”, Lost in Transition: Young Adults & the Criminal Justice System”, produced by a Commission set up by the Barrow Cadbury Trust says almost three quarters of 18-20 year olds are reconvicted after release from the prison system.The Commission is now calling for the youth and adult criminal justice systems to merge into a single set up that would enable provision to be tailored on the basis of maturity and individual need, rather than age alone.