The Greater London Assembly does not provide effective scrutiny of the London Mayor and should be scrapped. In calling for its abolition, the New Local Government Network argues that scrutinising the work of the Mayor does not require 25 full-time elected politicians and that much of their work is spent compiling reports and investigations that have little impact. It suggests that other London politicians could do the job more effectively.
Doctors still top the poll as the professionals that the public trust most. An Ipsos MORI survey commissioned by the Royal College of Physicians shows that doctors come out first when the public is asked whom they generally trust to tell the truth. The annual poll indicates that nine in ten adults say they trust doctors to tell the truth.
By David Robinson, Kesia Reeve and Rionach Casey,
There is an increasingly divisive debate and media speculation about the motives of new immigrants and the priorities of statutory agencies and housing service providers. Many assumptions are made about the consequences for long-standing residents. Questions are raised about who gets what and why, and the knock-on effects for local neighbourhoods.
This article explores the arrival experiences and settlement stories of new immigrants. It focuses on their housing experiences and considers the consequences of their arrival for local housing markets and neighbourhoods.