For the first time, this autumn all students arriving to begin their university lives will have access to a neighbourhood policing team with responsibility for their campus and halls of residences. Freshers across England and Wales starting their degrees this month will benefit from increased support from police officers, police community support officers and volunteer special constables following the roll-out of neighbourhood policing teams in every community.
Partnership working is increasingly seen as the way to generating solutions to problems that single agencies cannot solve, improving services that users receive, and enhancing coordination of services across organisational boundaries. But research by CPCR, a consultancy specialising in developing partnerships suggests that up to 70 per cent of partnerships fail to deliver their intended outcomes.
By Faizal Farook and Nicola Hughes
This article was first published in Public Management and Policy and is reproduced by permission of the Association.
What motivates people to work in the public sector? It’s not the pay or short hours compared to other areas of employment. The authors probe the motives of the one in five people in the UK who have chosen to devote their careers to public service. They provide insights into the ethos that promotes and underpins the tradition of service on which the general public rely.