More community lands trusts are to be set up following successful pilot schemes. The charity, Carnegie UK, will receive a £0.5m grant to further develop the CLT sector by setting up a trade body and launching a website with portal and forum to provide information on creating a Trust.
Young people are being invited to take part in an investigation of local services to find out how they are doing and to offer suggestions for improvement. The scheme is hosted by the National Children’s Bureau for the Look Listen Change consortium which includes the British Youth Council, KIDS, the National Centre for Excellence in Residential Child Care and the Council for Disabled Children.
Public bodies develop information systems to meet the very specific objectives they are seeking to achieve. Each solution is a child of its time and circumstances. Partnership working creates a new situation which requires an over-arching view of the relationship with the citizen. Managing data so that the citizen who needs multiple services is not left to join up the various islands of service is crucial to transforming service delivery through partnerhsips.