Serving the Public Management Community

PublicNet provides an integrated e-mail and web site service for everyone concerned with the governance and management of public services.

PublicNet focuses on the issues challenging all parts of the public sector and encourages the sharing of good management practice. It monitors progress towards a seamless delivery of services and brings news and views about partnership working across central and local government, the health service, non departmental bodies, and the third and private sectors.

The daily e-mail service, PublicNet Briefing, brings news and signposts to wide ranging sources of information.

The web site contains a database of information about public services. It has been continually updated since May 1997.

PublicNet seeks to meet the demand for knowledge created by the rapid social and economic changes and the need for lifelong learning.

For more information click on:
PublicNet Briefing
PublicNet Web Site

News Editor: Bob Calver

Producer: Don Morley

Technical Director: Simon Morley

Operations Manager: Gwen Harper

is a Knowshare production.

PO Box 7003, Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 0TH
Tel: 079 0318 5077