Abstracts: November 16th, 1998

Becker D O, George M A, Goolsby A E, Grissom D CThe McKinsey Quarterly, (USA), 1998 No 1. Start page: 116. No of pages: 10

Addresses the issue of how services can be delivered in a timely and effective fashion; believes that the experiences of service turnarounds in the private sector may be of value to public-sector bodies, and presents the case of one such reform at the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) which was created in July 1997 after a sweeping reorganization. Compares the situation before and after the reorganization, and observes that the DHS is now organized around core processes and is integrating functions across the organization; sets out its service-delivery system, and outlines how performance is measured.

Subject(s): SERVICE DELIVERY SYSTEM, TURNAROUNDS, PUBLIC SECTOR, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, USA, RE-ORGANIZATIONDatabase: TMA: Top Management Abstracts OPMA: Operations & Production Management Abstracts. Style: Case study . Reference: 27AQ660

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