Francis S D, Alley P G
Business Process Re-engineering & Management Journal, (UK), Vol 2 No 11 96
Start page: 48. No of pages: 15
Summarizes the progress made to date on a business process re-engineering (BPR) project in the department of surgery of a publicly funded hospital in Auckland, New Zealand. Discusses BPR in general, including the benefits and potential pitfalls and explains that the changes were necessary to meet the challenges of a competitive market-oriented environment of user pays and state sell offs. Describes the steps taken to involve staff in the changes and to study the existing patient experience with its improvement as a major aim. Concludes with considerations of information technology solutions, human resources, physical space, communications and involvement with staff, job security and the time required by the project team for undertaking BPR activities.
Database: TMA: Top Management Abstracts OPMA: Operations & Production
Management Abstracts. Style: Case study
ISSN: 1355-2503. Reference: 25AQ626
Reproduced by permission of Anbar Management Intelligence