By Ann Mooney and June Statham with Antonia SimonAn analysis of national labour force trends with a survey of more than a thousand employees aged over 50 and recently retired staff from local authorities found that people between 50 and retirement are a ‘pivot’ generation, combining work and care roles. Two-thirds are in paid employment, while six out of ten 50-year-olds have living parents and a third have grandchildren. Nearly half the local authority staff surveyed had some caring responsibility. Few of the employees interviewed wanted to give up their jobs in order to take on caring responsibilities. In some cases, the health of carers had suffered as a result of trying to absorb the impact of a demanding caring role, without it affecting their work life. Flexible working hours came top of the list of the workplace policies that employees thought would help them to balance working and caring responsibilities. There was strong support for the opportunity to work reduced hours.
Published for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation by The Policy Press and available from Marston Book Services, PO Box 269, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4YN (01235 465500), price 11.95 pounds plus 2.75 pounds p&p.