Abstracts: July 25th, 2005

People are living longer but are less likely to have the support of an extended family. Over the next fifty years the number of people over 65 will rise from 9.3 million to 16.8 million. Telecare offers the promise of enabling thousands of older people to live independently, in control and with dignity for longer. This document from the Department for Health provides local authorities and their partners with guidance in developing telecare services for their communities. It sets out the purpose of the Preventative Technologies Grant and the expectations for the use of the grant.It also outlines two separate models developed to support social service departments in the development of strategy and business cases for local telecare projects. This is to support councils in making decisions about how to spend the Preventative Technology Grant. Supplementing these models is a detailed guidance document on how to use the models. The models are provided are only an aid, which councils are free to use if they so wish. The Department does not intend to provide training nor ongoing support in their use.

The publication is available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/11/56/44/04115644.pdf