Abstracts: August 1st, 2005

This paper from the National e-procurement Project sets out the findings by Deloitte’s who were commissioned to analyze the use of e-purchasing, procurement cards, e-tendering and e-auctions in twelve pilot authorities. The document provides practical support and guidance to help authorities plan the stages of an e-procurement implementation and it also describes the key stumbling blocks on the route to an implementation.Projected benefits for e-procurement are estimated at 1.1 billion pound reduction in the costs of goods and services across local government. E-tendering efficiencies in processing are estimated at 725 staff with a further reduction of 8 million pounds savings in e-tendering overheads, such as accreditation of suppliers. e-Purchasing and the use of procurement cards are predicted to deliver a reduction of 2,560 staff.

The paper is available at: http://www.idea-knowledge.gov.uk/idk/aio/70780