Abstracts: February 6th, 2008

This guidance explains how third sector organizations and the roles they play will be incorporated into the new local performance framework. It also describes how the third sector contribution to supporting better outcomes will be recognized in the Comprehensive Area Assessment which will be introduced in April 2008.

New Local Area Agreements form the heart of the new local performance framework which will help to deliver the ambitions for the place and its people set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy. The new framework is about improving quality of life in places and better public services.

The aim is to provide rigorous performance management to produce better outcomes through shared endeavour between both local and central government,and between local partners. The framework represents a fundamental change in approach for central and local government and requires a new way of working.

The Local Strategic Partnership is the main vehicle for developing the local vision and the Sustainable Community Strategy. The Partnership offers an opportunity for the third sector to make its unique contribution alongside local authorities, business and other service providers, such as the primary care trust and the local police.

Third sector organisations will seek to play a key role either in helping shape services, ensuring they are more responsive, or through direct service delivery across a range of indicators. This might include children’s services, health and older people, community cohesion ands afer communities. Part of the challenge for third sector organizations will be to demonstrate how the outcomes that they achieve contribute across the new framework. Indicators for participation in regular volunteering and for creating an environment for a thriving third sector, have been included within the indicator set.

The guidance is available from DCLG. http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/localgovernment/pdf/621274