Abstracts: April 28th, 2008

This programme is now available to view on egovtv.tv, the online television channel for public service modernisation. Alexis Cleveland, Director General for Transformational Government at the Cabinet Office, describes the biggest challenge facing the public sector as ‘moving out of the silo’.

In the interview she explains how some councils are leading the way by collaborating with other councils and utilities and benefiting from information sharing with the Department for Work and Pensions.

She believes that people and processes are the key to transformation and that technology should play a supporting role and not be the lever for change. An example is the approval process for free school meals. Current procedures take half a term and she believes that this can be slashed to half a day.

GovTV is a dedicated web-cast television channel for governors of public bodies,council members and senior executives across all public sector organisations and is available free to an unlimited audience at anytime, at any location via the internet.

The programme is available at lgtv. http://www.localgov.tv/cgi-bin/details.pl?action=pre&id=388