Abstracts: May 21st, 2008

This programme is now available to view on egovtv.tv, the onlinetelevision channel for public service modernisation. The case studies illustrate the different approaches being taken to achieve transformation.

The City of Edinburgh Council has rationalised its technology to enable more flexible working practices, improve productivity and deliver services more efficiently to the citizens of Edinburgh

Somerset County Council and Taunton Deane Borough Council are pioneering a shared services operation that provides extensive front and back-office services.

The London Borough of Southwark demonstrates how it has achieved transformation across the majority of its customer facing functions, through a major Business Process Re-engineering programme.

GovTV is a dedicated web-cast television channel for governors of public bodies, council members and senior executives across all public sector organisations and is available free to an unlimited audience at anytime, at any location via the internet.

The programmes are available at localgov. http://www.localgov.tv