This document from the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform seeks to help Local Authorities and Local Strategic Partnerships interested in promoting enterprise and business growth to understand the implications of the Government’s Business Support Simplification Programme.
The business support programme backs up the aims of the Local Performance Framework and the Review of Sub-national Economic Development and Regeneration. It encourages greater collaboration between the different tiers of government to better support business in creating wealth and jobs for local communities.
The Government has set out an important “place-shaping”role for local authorities, which includes focusing on improving the economic vibrancy of their area to build strong, safe and prosperous communities. Local authorities will be expected to play a stronger role in promoting economic development by working more effectively in key economic decision-making. This will require a closer partnership both between local authorities and with RDAs in driving economic growth.
Government is consulting on the introduction of a statutory economic assessment duty for upper tier and unitary local authorities. This would provide an improved evidence base about the economic circumstances of each place and should inform strategy development at local and sub-regional level and the development of the regional strategy. It would also enhance local authority capability and capacity on economic development issues, with greater understanding of the conditions required by business to flourish.
The document is available from BERR.