Abstracts: June 18th, 2008

This guide from the Home office provides a range of key approaches to tackling violent street gangs. The approaches have been used successfully in pilot project areas. The guide supports local partnership in devising a gangs strategy and in understanding the range of tools available to deliver the strategy.

The guide advocates mapping the unique nature of that problem in the area, agreeing a multi-agency gangs strategy and setting up information-sharing arrangements. It is designed for those with responsibility for tackling violent street gangs such as anti-social behaviour teams, children and young people’s services including safeguarding teams, the Crown Prosecution Service, housing services, the police, probation services, Youth Offending Teams and the voluntary and community sector.

The guide showcases the range of approaches and opportunities that are available to local partnerships when tackling violent street gangs in the area. It will help to identify an emerging gang problem, understand the nature of that problem, identify the broadest possible range of partners for delivery in the area and consider a range of options for tackling the problem.

The guide is available from the HO. http://www.crimereduction.homeoffice.gov.uk/violentstreet/violentstreet012a.pdf