Abstracts: July 7th, 2008

This report from the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations assess the current third sector- trade union relationship and outlines the potential for a step-change in dialogue.

The report highlights the win-win situation that can be gained by trade unions and the third sector working more closely together, and sets out some practical proposals to make that happen. With both sets of organisations such important components in promoting the interests of the mutual not-for-profit sector, there is already a lot of common interest.

The third sector has a poor track record in managing conflicts with employees with one grievance case for every 92 staff compared with one in 516 in the private, and one in 323 in the public sector. This gives considerable scope for developing mutual benefits and promoting greater collaboration between trade unions and the third sector. The report argues that working together can offer mutual benefits and build employee relations,whilst reducing the vulnerability of the sector as a whole, and enhancing its offer as a crucial service provider.

Recommendations include working with stakeholders to develop a national strategy for improving HR and ER as a matter of priority and individual unions re-examining their “offers” to third sector employees to ensure they reflect the variety of their aspirations and needs.

The report is available by email from: Naomi@forster.co.uk