Abstracts: September 24th, 2008

This report from the Housing Corporation and Communities and Local Government presents the views of registered social landlord and local authority tenants on anti-social behaviour.

The top issues experienced by tenants were rubbish or litter lying around, which were the concern of 60 per cent of tenants, teenagers hanging around on the street 54 per cent, and vandalism, graffiti & other deliberate damage to property or vehicles 40 per cent.

There was a strong consensus amongst all tenants that the police should take overall responsibility for dealing with anti-social behaviour issues in the neighbourhood.

In 2006, 35 per cent of tenants reported that they had experienced anti-social behaviour, but in 2008, the figure has risen to 55 per cent. There was a 6 per cent rise in the number of tenants having experienced people being drunk or rowdy in public places and people using or in dealing drugs. There was 6% fall in the number of tenants having experienced abandoned or burnt out cars in their area.

Satisfaction with the way in which the landlord dealt with the problem differed between type of landlord. 53 per cent of social landlord tenants were satisfied, compared to 26 per cent of local authority tenants.

More than half of the tenants who were aware of their landlord’s anti-social behaviour policy rated the policies as good.

The report is available from the Housing Corporation.
