Abstracts: March 23rd, 2009

This programme is now available to view on egovtv.tv, the online television channel for public service modernisation. It describes how Portsmouth Grammar School and the Kings’ School in Winchester are harnessing the creative and entrepreneurial skills of their students and making huge savings on the cost of large-scale printing with an Eduprint and HP Designjet solution.

The schools can now produce personalized and professional quality prints for school and community-wide marketing activities at a fraction of the cost of out-sourced services. The students run the printing centres as flexible businesses and offer the service to local companies and public bodies to increase community pride and cohesion.

GovTV is a dedicated web-cast television channel for governors of public bodies, council members and senior executives across all public sector organisations and is available free to an unlimited audience at anytime, at any location via the internet.

The programme can be viewed at GovTV. www.localgov.tv