Chris Wormald, Director General of Local Government and Regeneration at DCLG sets out his views on transformation and efficiency in the interview on, the online television channel for public service modernisation.
He describes how the most recent changes across local government have been about culture rather than processes. There is a growing recognition that how people behave is crucially important and no more so than at the front desk where staff are in constant contact with the public.
Among the success stories, he quotes the East Riding Council which introduced a video conference link for the use of people in remote areas.
Efficiency savings are vital in all stages of the economy, but the current climate has increased their importance.
For the future he believes there will be an increasing contribution by councils to nationwide issues such as obesity and global warming. Revitalizing democracy with greater empowerment is likely to become the top priority although the pressure to improve services will continue.
GovTV is a dedicated web-cast television channel for governors of public bodies, council members and senior executives across all public sector organisations and is available free to an unlimited audience at anytime, at any location via the internet.
The programme can be viewed at GovTV.