Abstracts: June 1st, 2009

The Action Plan for Digital Inclusion, published by Communities and Local Government, has received broad support from recent consultation. The key issue addressed by the plan is how to bring the benefits of the Internet to the 17 million people in the UK who do not use computers.

The Plan has proposals for creating a Digital Inclusion Charter and A Digital Inclusion Champion as measures to overcome the internal barriers such as lack of affordability and fear and the external barriers of access and usability.

The Charter would send a powerful message that the government places great importance on tackling digital exclusion and could be an important first step in raising levels of digital inclusion, as well as ensuring that the digital and social exclusion of the most disadvantaged groups in society is combated. It would lay out the benefits, obligations, and responsibilities associated with digital inclusion. The Charter would be communicated in a citizen focused way.

The Digital Inclusion Champion would establish and drive cross-sector strategy for delivering digital inclusion. She/he would be a central driving force ensuring that digital inclusion becomes embedded across government. The key role for the Champion would be to represent and advocate the interests of those who are digitally excluded and to promote digital inclusion.

Delivering Digital Inclusion Action Plan is available from DCLG.