Abstracts: July 27th, 2009

The Quality Framework implements the national strategy for quality improvement in health and social care and it outlines an ambitious future for primary and community care. It presents a vision for community care emphasising the key role in providing personal care, particularly for children and families, older people and carers, those requiring rehabilitative support or with complex care needs and those at the end of life. It also supports the drive for promoting health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities.

The Quality Framework sits alongside the transformation of adult social care laid out in the concordat paper – “Putting People First”. Primary and community care, together with social care.

The focus is on achieving independence, choice and control for people to live in the community. To transform peoples’ experience of community services it is important to harness the energy and experience of all front line staff, whether working in health services or social care. Conditions need to be created for delivering high quality care whether in a home, hospital or other community settings. The Quality Framework will enable this to happen.

It outlines how quality will be driven up by improving services, developing people to design, deliver and lead the changes and reforming systems to build stronger organizations.

The Quality Framework is available from DoH. http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/DH_101418