Abstracts: September 7th, 2009

This document from the Department of Health gives details about the third-sector investment programme for health and social care. It will help third sector organizations to decide if the fund is suitable for their organisation and the activity for which they want the funding.

‘Third sector’ describes the range of organisations which work in the space between what the Government provides and what the private sector provide. These include small local community and voluntary groups, registered charities both large and small, foundations, trusts and the growing number of social enterprises and co-operatives. Third-sector organisations share common characteristics in the social, environmental or cultural aims that they follow, their independence from government and the way they invest any money they make to further those aims.

The aims of the investment programme are to provide the best possible health and social care, offering safe and effective care when and where people need help, and giving people the power to make choices. It promotes better value by supporting delivery of affordable, efficient and long-term services, contributing to the wider economy.

The pack is available from DoH. http://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_104454.pdf