Abstracts: September 30th, 2009

Co-operative trust schools support the Children’s Plan and this publication from the Department for Children Families and Schools outlines their benefits.

The Children’s Trust school pilot was launched in September 2008 and involves 100 schools. The purpose of the pilot is to support the Children’s Plan’ which aims to make England the best place in the world for children and young people to grow up by putting their needs at the centre of educational policy.

Specialist Trust schools are maintained schools supported by a charitable foundation, popularly known as a Trust, which appoints some of the governors. The Trust involves one or more partners and may include, for example, a local college, university, business, and voluntary or community organisation.

The Specialist Trust school model has been designed to be very flexible, ensuring that schools and their governing bodies can build a Trust that meets their specific needs. For example, the Co-operative College has adapted this model to embed co-operative values and principles into schools that they are working with.

Cooperative Schools is available from DCFS. http://publications.teachernet.gov.uk/eOrderingDownload/00416-2009.pdf