Abstracts: January 18th, 2010

This publication sets out the Audit Commission’s Equality and Diversity Scheme for the next three years. It describes how the Commission will meet legal responsibilities under the various anti discrimination legislation measures.

The Scheme will help to ensure that the needs of groups which face potential discrimination because of age, sexual orientation, religion and belief are met.

‘Value for All’ focuses on the relationship between equality and diversity and value for money. The Scheme describes the need to ensure that well-designed, efficient, value-for-money services are in place and that where necessary, they are delivered differently to meet different needs. Services that don’t recognise diversity in their design can be inefficient and ineffective, often costing local taxpayers more in the long run.

The Scheme makes it clear that equality means treating everyone with equal dignity and worth irrespective of particular characteristics such as their age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. It recognises that people have different needs, circumstances and goals and achieving equality requires the removal of the discriminatory barriers that limit what people can do and can be.

VALUE FOR ALL is available from the Commission.