Abstracts: June 30th, 2010

The Guide sets out arrangements to safeguard adults in the local authority area and it describes how Overview and Scrutiny committees can contribute to better safeguarding in this complex and sensitive area of public service.

Councils have a key responsibility in relation to safeguarding adults who are defined as ‘vulnerable’ and require multi-agency working. The term ‘safeguarding’ is used to mean both specialist services where harm or abuse is suspected or has occurred.

The framework for safeguarding adults is complex and it involves the council and its partners in NHS Trust Boards and Police Authorities. The Safeguarding Adults Board manages delivery across agencies.

The key questions that need to be asked include: What are the experiences of and outcomes for people who use safeguarding services? Is the Safeguarding Adults Board using the experiences of adults and their carers and families to drive improvements to safeguarding arrangements and services? What assessment is made about whether services reach all groups of vulnerable adults at risk?

The Guide is available at: http://www.idea.gov.uk/idk/aio/19170842