Abstracts: September 27th, 2010

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development have published a guide which spells out employers’ legal obligations in identifying and preventing stress at work. It highlights not only the legal risks employers face if they ignore responsibilities in this area, but also the harmful effect on performance.

The guide, ‘Work-related stress: what the law says’ describes recent cases where employers have faced significant compensation payouts for failing to identify and prevent stress adequately. In addition it provides advice on how employers can tackle stress through good people management.

There is a warning that failure to manage stress effectively brings the risk of losing key staff through high absence levels and employee turnover. Organisations with poor stress management will also suffer from low staff morale and risk higher levels of conflict and accidents in the workplace. In addition, there is the risk of costly personal injury claims.

Work related stress: what the law says is available from CIPD. http://www.cipd.co.uk