This guide from LG Improvement and Development shows how councils are using information from community engagement to inform the ways services are planned and delivered. It includes a range of examples that show the variety of approaches that councils have used.
Th guide aims to help councils ensure that the results of their community engagement processes, that is, what people say, are built into service plans and the ways that services are delivered. It completes the circle of finding out what communities think, feeding back and then acting on it.
The guide builds on the two empowerment mapping tools already available: ‘How strong is your neighbourhood?’ A mapping tool for communities, and ‘How strong are your neighbourhoods?’ A mapping tool for councils and their partners.
The guide has been developed by Social Regeneration Consultants for LG Improvement and Development with input from members of the Network of Empowering Authorities. It draws heavily on case study material provided by a range of councils who have outlined their approach to connecting the views of communities to service planning and delivery.
The Guide is available from IDeA.