Dame Carol Black’s review of the health of Britain’s working age population published in 2008 recognised the beneficial impact that work can have on an individual’s state of health and that work is generally good for both physical and mental health.
The review set out a vision of preventing illness and promotion of health and well-being, early intervention for those who develop a health condition and improving the health of those out of work.
The review identified seven key indicators and over twenty sub-indicators to develop baselines for measuring progress. These indicators are being measured through a combination of existing datasets and new research.
This report sets out the available baseline data for each indicator.
Full reports on the findings from the new research studies will be published in 2011.
When reading the report it is useful to bear in mind that there are nearly 5 million enterprises in GB of which over 99 per cent are small and medium enterprises.
The report is available from DWP.