Abstracts: November 27th, 2012

This guide for using body language to lead more effectively, by Carol Kinsey Goman, is important for leadership communication in many important ways.

Efforts to communicate effectively can be derailed by even the smallest nonverbal gestures such as the way someone sits in a meeting, or stands at the podium at a speaking engagement.

In The Silent Language of Leaders , Goman explains that personal space, physical gestures, posture, facial expressions, and eye contact communicate louder than words and, thus, can be used strategically to help leaders manage, motivate, lead teams, and communicate clearly in the digital age.

She draws on compelling psychological and neuroscience research to show leaders how to adjust their body language for maximum effect. Goman, a respected management coach, is widely considered as the expert in body language issues in the workplace. The Silent Language of Leaders will show readers how to take advantage of the most underused skills in the leadership toolkit—nonverbal skills—to improve their credibility and stay ahead of the curve.

Published by Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 978-0-470-87636-7. £16.99