Book News: March 12th, 2003

By Chip R. BellA recent study found that over 35% of employees who don’t receive regular mentoring, plan to look for another job within twelve months. Managers As Mentors is a rapid-fire read and a provocative guide to helping associates grow and adapt in today’s tumultuous organizations. Chip Bell persuasively shows that today, mentoring means valuing creativity over control, fostering growth by facilitating learning, and helping others get smart, not just get ahead. This hands-on guide takes the mystery out of effective mentoring, teaching leaders to be the kind of confident coaches integral to learning organizations. Managers As Mentors is about power-free facilitation of learning, about teaching through consultation and affection rather than constriction and assessment. It describes learning as an expansive, unfolding process rather than an evaluative, narrowing effort. It is a work book filled with ideas, suggestions, how-tos, and resources.

ISBN: 1-57675-142-2. 17.05 US dollars.