Book News: April 1st, 2003

By Jack Foster.The benefit of having a work-force that is idea-prone can hardly be overstated. Ideaship aims to help organizations turn average employees into great ones, by helping them to have more and better ideas. Ideaship is about how you can better make the people you work with more creative. According to Jack Foster, the primary job of a leader (what he calls an “Ideaer”) is to raise people’s self-esteem, to make it fun to come to work. Ideaship details thirty-nine ways to respond to people who are difficult to lead, but who are amenable to being “ideaed.” It flips traditional leadership on its head and shows how simple acts of compassion, trust, and generosity of spirit, as well as some seemingly zany actions, can unleash unexpected, vital bursts of creativity.

Published by Berrett Koehler. ISBN: 1-57675-164-3. 14.95 US dollars