Book News: September 8th, 2003

This toolkit draws on the authors’ recognition of the multi-agency nature of many community programmes, including urban regeneration and community safety. It emerged as a response to the increasing interest in partnerships reviewing their activities and developing more effective ways of working. It provides practical activities for partnerships to review, assess, check, evaluate and plan their activities across both partnerships and networks. It offers a variety of training materials in the form of tables, checklists, exercises, comments, and mapping and planning tools to address issues of power, membership and the nature of networking.The toolkit sets out approaches towards understanding the complexities in thinking about partnerships and networks through attitudes, accountability, leadership, and tensions between them. It also offers a practical approach for practitioners working in partnerships and networks to review and challenge their coexistence and develop appropriate monitoring activities.

Published by York Publishing Services Ltd. at 9.95 pounds. Tel: 01904 430033. E-mail: