This prospectus describes the support available from the LGA Performance
Partnership to councils engaged in the delivery of efficiency action plans
including collaborative projects. It covers the services provided by IDeA, the
Employers Organisation and 4ps. The portfolio of services has been assembled in
order to meet the specific needs of councils arising from the efficiency agenda.
An efficiency target of 6.45bn pounds in efficiency gains has been set for the
local government sector, including schools and the police. This has to be
achieved over the three years to 2007/08. That translates into 7.5% off the
2004/05 baseline – 2.5% year on year. Achievement of the targets will become
progressively more challenging in years two and three, when the targets step up,
calling for greater degrees of collaboration between councils and other public
bodies in order to achieve them.
The prospectus describe programmes delivered by the Performance Partnership in
areas critical to the successful delivery of the efficiency agenda including
member engagement, peer review, programme and project support and know-how and
The document emphasises that overview and scrutiny can play a key role in
identifying opportunities for efficiency gains.
The Prospectus is available at: