Book News: September 25th, 2007

This report outlines findings from a survey to establish trends in the provision of day care for children under eight prepared for the Department for Children, Schools and Families.The number of registered full day care providers has increased from 11,811 in 2005 to 12,694 in 2006, continuing the trend from 2001. Two-thirds of providers are managed by a private sector organisation. This figure has increased from 59 per cent in 2005. The number of Ofsted registered places has increase by 33,200 to 544,200

There are 143,900 paid staff working in day care, an increase of 9 per cent. Pay levels have increased across all grades of staff. The average hourly pay is 6.80 pounds, an increase of six per cent since 2005 and for senior managers the figure is 9.30 pounds. Staff continue to work similar hours to those worked in 2005. Findings suggest that the minimum requirement for senior managers and supervisors to hold a relevant level three qualification are largely being met.

In 2006 the turnover rate continued its decline from 2003, indicating that fewer people left their employment compared with previous years and the average length of service is increasing. A lower recruitment rate was reported in 2006 which, combined with the lower turnover has lead to a slowing of the employment growth rate.

The report is available at: