By Sue Maynard Campbell with Alice Maynard and Maggie Winchcombe.This publication from the Department of Health looks at what needs to happen in order to fulfill a government commitment that by 2010 each locality should have a user-led organisation modelled on existing Centres for Independent Living.
The social model of disability says that the real problem for disabled people is not their impairment, illness, frailty or learning disability but their lack of support, equipment or housing they need. This failure to meet the need is compounded by the fact that they don’t have choice and control over their daily lives. Although the social model of disability was initially developed for people with physical impairments, it is just as relevant to people with learning disabilities, older people, and people with mental health support needs.
A number of actions need to be taken at a national level in order to create a strong network of user-led organisations in every local area. At the local level they include Local Strategic Partnerships mapping user-led organisations in their local authority area, identifying the gaps in user representation and deciding how to encourage new or existing organisations to better represent all groups of people who need support. Local user-led organisations also need to get together to decide how they can establish the kind of networks and user-led organisations that would suit their particular area.
The report is available at: