This book from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, although focused on the private sector, is also relevant to public sector organizations that rely on external partners such as suppliers and consultants to operate effectively. These people have valuable knowledge which is strategic to the organisation and often essential to the delivery of services.
Managing across boundaries investigates how organisations identify people operating beyond the traditional boundaries of the organisation who make a vital contribution to its successful operation and how they extend their management practices to embrace these people to maximise performance.
Organisational development depends on the ability of organisations to build and maintain relationships so that the necessary knowledge is shared with those working for the organisation and that the organisation’s values and purpose are not diluted.
Trust is essential to create a safe environment where external people feel comfortable sharing their knowledge with the organization and it is only when this trust exists on both sides that the relationship will be sufficiently strong to drive performance.
The book is available at 49.99 pounds from the CIPD.