Book News: September 3rd, 2009

New guidance which will help local authorities to understand and harness the powerful role that culture can play in transforming education has been published by Partnerships for Schools.

The guide is aimed at local authorities, schools and cultural partners and has been developed in partnership with the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Arts Council England and the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust. It will help all those involved in planning ‘Building Schools For the Future’ projects to ensure that there is a place for the arts and culture in the scheme.

With the second half of the BSF programme now under way, local authorities and schools will be asked to research and plan how the arts and culture will impact on their projects. Aspects range from the delivery of their core curriculum, social, wellbeing and Every Child Matters outcomes, to family support, community delivery and change management.

It sets out the new requirements as well as suggestions on how these milestones might be achieved and signposts partners to useful organisations and resources.

The Guide is available from PfS.