By Bill George
The author draws from his own in-the-trenches experience and lessons from leaders who have weathered tough storms.
With straight talk and clear directions, George shows leaders specifically what they must do to become strong leaders and survive any crisis. His seven lessons include: Face Reality, Starting with Yourself; Never Waste a Good Crisis; and Be Aggressive: This is Your Best Chance to Win.
Reality starts with the person in charge. Leaders need to look themselves in the mirror and recognize their role in creating the problems. Then they should gather their teams together and gain agreement about the root causes. Widespread recognition of reality is the crucial step before problems can be solved. Attempting to find short-term fixes that address the symptoms of the crisis only ensures the organization will wind up back in the same predicament.
The book is a survival kit for anyone in a leadership position.
Published by Jossey Bass. ISBN: 978-0-470-53187-7. £13.99