This report from Turning Point, a UK health and social care provider, evaluates the economic savings available from integrating a broad range of health, housing and social care services. It finds significant evidence that integration creates efficiencies and savings, with early intervention services potentially saving the NHS up to £2.65 for every £1 spent.
Early intervention designed to ensure that people can retain their independence and quality of life can deliver cost savings through the prevention of hospital admissions and residential placements. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that integrated health and well-being services can realise significant financial benefits.
Early intervention through housing related support is also an important way in which to secure financial benefits and holds great potential for future programmes. Those programmes that have provided housing related support were also able to have a positive impact upon health and social care needs and related costs.
There is also a strong business case for structural integration providing for preventative, low level support, integrated health and social care services, it is also clear that structural integration can realize financial benefits. Structural integration can take a range of forms including case management programmes, integrated care teams and care trusts. There is evidence that integrated care teams can release savings. In particular, integrated care teams to support people with complex needs can help to delay events that require health, social care and criminal justice intervention.
Connected Care is published by Turning Point and is available here.