Douglas G. Long concentrates on individual, unit and organisational performance when an organisation is using a Third Generation Leadership approach. Leaders constantly seek high performance and high levels of staff engagement; but achieving either depends on the competence and commitment of individuals or groups.
Many people are competent to do things – they have the ability – but are not prepared to do them. They lack the willingness, confidence or motivation and the readiness to perform. You can even have the most committed and capable people in the world, yet still miss performance targets if there are issues with other factors impacting on performance.
This book is a response to enquiries from those excited by the prospect of a Third Generation Leadership approach but who still have to grapple with performance issues – people who want to obtain and maintain high performing organisations. In that sense it builds on the new knowledge imparted in Third Generation Leadership and the Locus of Control. It is a ‘How to …’ book that gives the reader practical tools that can be immediately applied and activities that can be undertaken in order to develop and maintain the required or even the desired level of performance.
Published by Gower. ISBN: 978-1-4724-1332-1. £55.00