Headlines: March 15th, 2000

Under compulsory competitive tendering, businesses capable of delivering public services were seen as the competition.But now the CBI has linked with the New Local Government Network to showcase how private sector partnerships with councils can be both mutually beneficial and deliver Best Value.

Ahead of the duty upon councils to achieve Best Value as of April 1st, the two organisations have jointly organised a roadshow offering examples of best practice delivered through site visits and case studies of partnership in action.

Among the case studies is Hermitage School in Co Durham, which, through partnership working, has increased school meal numbers by 146 per cent. Another project highlighted is the deal between Manchester City Council and Xerox UK to provide a digital document system for the city council and its schools, estimated to achieve print cost savings to the authority of around a hundred thousand pounds a year.

The roadshow travels to various regional centres, starting in London on March 30 and closing in Durham on April 14.

For further details contact Capita Business Services on 020 7222 5110.