Headlines: February 19th, 2007



Entries for the Public Servants of the Year awards 2007 are invited from public servants at all levels, including both executives and non-executives, across public services. The awards, which are run by Public Finance
magazine, are supported by the Cabinet Office, MORI and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy.

There will be a total of 12 awards for both teams and individuals. This year’s competition also includes a special lifetime achievement category. Candidates can be nominated by managers, colleagues, customers or members of the public. Past winners include nurses, doctors, council chief executives, cleaners, prison officers and social workers.

Categories of awards include: Inspiring Success, the leadership award; Demanding the Best, the award for service transformation; First Among Equals, the award for diversity; Tailoring the Fit, the customer focus award; Raising the Standard, the frontline worker award; Changing Lives, the award for community facing services and Getting in Trim, the shared services award.

The entry deadline for this year’s competition is 12 April 2007. A ‘People’s Panel’ will choose the overall winners for the Outstanding Public Servant and Outstanding Public Service Team awards based on a special poll carried out by award partner Ipsos MORI. The winners will be announced at a gala ceremony in Central London in October 2007

Link: http://www.publicservants.org.uk/