Headlines: June 11th, 2007



Local authorities in Wales have been told they have a central role to play in delivering improved public services – but that this would require a change in their culture. The Welsh assembly’s new Minister for Social Justice and Public Service Delivery, Andrew Davies told Councillors that the top priority for the public sector was to deliver better services and he stressed the part they could play in making this happen.

Mr Davies, whose portfolio includes responsibility for Local Government, said that as the Assembly is now taking up its new law-making powers, there was a great opportunity to consider the role of local government in delivering effective public services. “We need vision, change and most importantly leadership,” he said and added, “That’s what the people expect of the Welsh Assembly Government and of local government as well. I have no doubt that developing this new style of government demands a radical change in culture.”

He said his priorities were the creation of an enterprising and innovative culture with a new type of public servant and he called on councils across Wales to focus on leadership, problem solving and delivery.

Change and leadership, he said, were needed to ensure services were tailored to the needs of local communities. “What concerns Mr or Mrs or Ms Jones isn’t the process, but the outcome and their concerns have got to be our concern. The aim is for people’s needs to be at the heart of everything we do,” he said.