Headlines: June 19th, 2007



Voluntary organisations, charities, and social enterprises have been urged by Ministers to sign up to a climate change declaration that commits them to a positive response. It is expected that thousands of organisations will sign up and improve energy efficiency in their own operations and then mobilise millions of people in the fight against climate change.

The declaration has been spearheaded by a group of voluntary organisations already taking part in the Defra-funded initiative Every Action Counts, which enables community groups to make the world greener, cleaner, fairer and safer than it is today. It its first year, Every Action Counts has reached more than 500 groups and resulted in a range of achievements, including recruiting and training 400 volunteer community champions to inspire action in local communities and training community workers in environmental issues.

Ed Miliband, Minister for the Third Sector, said: “The third sector has shown time and again its ability to reach out to all sorts of people and inspire them to take steps to change their lives and their communities. Today’s declaration is an opportunity for the sector to make its voice heard and make a public commitment to use its talents to help to tackle climate change. I hope this declaration will be a catalyst for action – and add to the growing momentum behind our national response to this crucial challenge.”

Link: http://www.everyactioncounts.org.uk/en/members/register.asp