Bids are being invited from organisations that want to deliver a major programme of reform for professionals working with young people. The Children’s Workforce Development Council is seeking tenders for five projects which, it says, will contribute to improving the lives of young people and their families.
The projects include proposals for leadership and management, building the capacity of the Third Sector and developing a common platform of skills and competences across the youth workforce. Bids are being invited from contractors who will deliver each of the elements in line with the Department of Children, Schools and Families’ 10-year strategy for the youth workforce.
Keith Brumfitt, Director of Strategy at the Children’s Workforce Development Council said ‘Aiming High for Young People’ had set the target of developing a skilled and confident workforce in order to improve outcomes for young people. “Our youth workforce has shown considerable commitment and versatility over the years, providing much needed services to young people and their families across England,” he said and added, “They have a number of key strengths which need to be built on. These five tenders are the start of the journey to achieving the step change towards a world-class workforce which meets the complex demands of young people today and in the future.“
Tenders are being invited for youth workforce leadership and management development programmes to ensure that by the end of March 2011 those leading and managing youth services will have the skills to deliver integrated services for young people and common apprenticeships and a common foundation degree will be in place.