Headlines: November 19th, 2008

In the search for efficiency savings to meet the Gershon targets, communications budgets are being scrutinised to find whether they are delivering value for money. A survey by Royal Mail has shown that direct mail is competing well with online and other communication channels.

The survey found that more than 50 per cent of people read and retain direct mail and the retention rate has increased in each of the last three years. The option of combining both online and postal channels to reach a broader audience and social demographic is supported by the survey. The results showed that 55 per cent of confident web users prefer to be contacted by a combination of direct mail and online messages.

Information campaigns by public sector organisations have become complex with a variety of communications channels available to get the message through. Choosing the most effective method of reaching audiences is a challenge, particularly in the efficiency savings climate. A Royal Mail spokesperson said: “While people may have access to many TVs, radios and computer screens during the course of a day, there is only one letterbox into the home”.