Headlines: November 24th, 2009

The social housing watchdog, the Tenant Services Authority, is to set up a new action squad to work with landlords on the ground to tackle anti-social behaviour.

The squad, which will start work early next year, will help landlords improve their services to effectively tackle anti-social behaviour. It will include experienced staff from the front line seconded into the Authority to share their expertise with landlords.

The watchdog recognizes that some landlords are already doing a great job and working with families in trouble, but in other areas some social housing tenants are causing problems for everyone else – and landlords are not doing enough to deal with anti-social behaviour. The new anti-social behaviour action squad will help landlords to tackle the issues head on.

National standards for social housing landlords are being developed for April next year and all housing providers will have to apply them. They will build on the existing Respect Standard for Housing Management which plays a crucial role in driving up standards in preventing and responding to anti-social behaviour within the housing sector.

The Authority will work with Communities and Local Government on the review of the Respect Standard and will be engaging with landlords, tenants and stakeholders in this work.

Phil Morgan, Executive Director Tenant Services, said, “Tenants have told us that dealing with anti-social behaviour is a top priority, so with the Government’s support, we’re setting up a new action squad to support landlords and tenants to share good practice and encourage more joined up working between local agencies to tackle this issue.